Friend Console Update

Apr 28, 2006 12:12

AKA How to add everyone to your character journal friends list at once.

1. Make sure you're logged into your character journal. (It's kind of weird when we see we've been buddied by Remus Lupin or the Vampire Lestat or whatever else you're into.)

2. Copy the following list:
friend add smile_maelstrom
friend add smashysmashynin
friend add thecopyninja

friend add byakuugangenius
friend add weapon_goddess
friend add proudgreenbeast

friend add timid_vigor

friend add awkwardbonds

friend add sandy_kage
friend add sand_bitch

friend add uchiha_progeny

friend add uchiha_god
friend add the_votary

friend add thelostdreams
friend add theselostdreams
friend add ooc_dreams

friend remove redmoondeath
friend remove notanoodle
friend remove still_youthful
friend remove precious_cosmos
friend remove shadowherder
friend remove bigbonedbonzai
friend remove onepackaday
friend remove nice_shades
friend remove paralleledninja
friend remove chou_sukebe
friend remove katsute_no_hebi
friend remove senbon_chewer
friend remove whitefireworks
friend remove iheartkarasu
friend remove art_paroxysm
friend remove dork_for_hire
friend remove totallynotevil
friend remove nofleashere

3. Open the admin console. (Make sure you're logged into the right account!)
4. Paste the copied list into the command box.
5. Click the "execute" button. Everyone should be added to your friends list.

Also remember to join theselostdreams and join ooc_dreams.

New members should announce themselves in ooc_dreams to help everyone keep their lists updated. This list will remain updated.

[ Last updated: 25 Apr 2007 ]

[friend console update]

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