Title: Halloween Special (temporary until I think of a decent title) Pairing: none Rating/Warnings: PG-15 for swearing/general horror. Warnings:[SPOILERS]- ghosts, character death Summary: Yamada and Yuto are sent to explore a haunted mansion for the Halloween ItaJump special. Word Count: 1885 Author's Note: Ok this is barely in time to be a Halloween fic
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Oh no! I hope you weren't scared reading it! I'll admit I got a little scared writing it >_< my house is kinda old and everything creaks also it gets dark super early this time of year!
Thank you for reading and commenting!! I'm really happy that you liked it!
Comments 6
This is creepy 😱😱😱 but it's a great story! Too bad there's character death T.T
Thank you for writing~~
I'm glad you liked the story anyway :) and I'm really happy that you thought it was creepy!!
Thank you for reading and for commenting!!
Nooo yutti!!! T_T
fyi, nobody home beside me when i read this! :0
But this's awesome, thank u for making this :3
Thank you for reading and commenting!! I'm really happy that you liked it!
And thank you for reading and for commenting!!
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