Title: Baby Blue: Part 5: Chapter 25
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: R
Word Count: 1137
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: They knew that moving forward would be hard, but with each hurdle the happiness they deserve seems further and further away.
A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter as a late birthday gift to
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Comments 3
I'm glad you liked last chapter too :) comments aren't necessary at all, but I must say I was relieved to see you're still here >_< I do really mean it when I say how much your continued support has motivated me!!
There definitely won't be any more parts to Baby Blue...the only thing worse than a series ending is it being dragged on way too long! I know I'm terrible at letting things go though, so there may be Baby Blue related drabbles/oneshots sometime in the future. I also have plans to start posting my other JunDa multi-chapters once Baby Blue is done :D
And I will continue to support you. We may be strangers in real life but on here I consider you a friend and a source of inspiration. And being a writer myself, inspiration and motivation are my fuel for writing, so thank you as well.
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