Title: Baby Blue: Part 5: Chapter 20
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: G
Word Count: 1185
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: They knew that moving forward would be hard, but with each hurdle the happiness they deserve seems further and further away.
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Comments 3
Wow, I honestly didn't think my question would render that part of a chapter for this! But I'm happy it did. I hoped it helped on you coming up with something! And this chapter was posted with imppecable timing too! I had to get a new laptop and the next morning after getting it this chapter appeared! Yea!
Also, don't worry about the timing hon. Real life and other fandoms, mix those together with a touch of feels. Bring it to a boil and you got a recipe for what you are describing. Trust me I've had that dish before too. So take your time and don't rush yourself. Also take care of yourself health wise too!
Now I understand everything and JunDa looking for a house where they can live together awwwww finally
And it's ok man take your time us JunDa fans are here to support u and life and other fandoms does get in the way sometimes but that's just who it is for some people but just hang in there GAMBATTE~!!!!
How many more chapters do we have left? Having Jin and Theia come in makes me nervous somehow but oh well I'm always like that. Anyway thank you again for not giving this up. Especially with RL and fandom drama, hang in there! *huggles*
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