Title: Kyoko-chan desu Pairing: Taiga x Yasui Rating/Warnings: PG-13 Summary: Yasui is infatuated with Kyoko-chan Word Count: 4448 Author's Note: I couldn't not write about the whole Gamushara - dressing up episode.
Oooooh, that ending! So fluffyyyy, so beautiful~~ >w< *hyperventilates*
I love the descriptions of Kyoko's outfits~~~ Not only the clothing coordinates but the colours too~ Taiga is super gorgeous! I like how this whole fic is basically dedicated to Kyoko's beauty! XDDD
And Kyomoto-san's amazing cooking skills! And being a Yasui fan! Soooo much win! And not to mention, this line: “Remember to use protection...that dress won't look half as cute with a baby bump.” XDDDD
And how can you not love Yasui... (who loves girls)... Why do I like that? Why is that even a thing? But Yasui<3 He looks amazing as a girl too! I loved him most in Popolo. With the ribbon on his head.
You know, Kyoko has been on my mind for a few days consecutively and then suddenly, bam! Yasui/Kyoko fic! XDDD Thank you so much for writing this! It's amazing~ And sorry for the long comment! >_
Haha, the end is totally cheesy >_< There was supposed to be smut, but it really didn't fit with all the angsty Taiga feelings...maybe one day...
I think I have a thing for describing clothes in cross-dress fic! I think I just like the guys in girl clothes a bit too much!
One of the things I absolutely adore in fics is when there are family members/other juniors/members giving advice and being witty - I don't think I'm that good at the witty part yet, but I imagine Taiga's mum to be pretty funny and light-hearted!
Yasui is beautiful as a girl too right?! That popolo shoot was adorable (the ribbon and the shoes...and his facial expressions!), that's one of my favourites! But my favourite girl Yasui has to be Kelly in 49 - seriously amazing!!
Thank you for reading and for the comment too!! Comments make me super happy!!
Comments 3
“I think I like you more.”
Oooooh, that ending! So fluffyyyy, so beautiful~~ >w< *hyperventilates*
I love the descriptions of Kyoko's outfits~~~ Not only the clothing coordinates but the colours too~ Taiga is super gorgeous! I like how this whole fic is basically dedicated to Kyoko's beauty! XDDD
And Kyomoto-san's amazing cooking skills! And being a Yasui fan! Soooo much win! And not to mention, this line:
“Remember to use protection...that dress won't look half as cute with a baby bump.” XDDDD
And how can you not love Yasui... (who loves girls)... Why do I like that? Why is that even a thing? But Yasui<3 He looks amazing as a girl too! I loved him most in Popolo. With the ribbon on his head.
You know, Kyoko has been on my mind for a few days consecutively and then suddenly, bam! Yasui/Kyoko fic! XDDD Thank you so much for writing this! It's amazing~ And sorry for the long comment! >_
I think I have a thing for describing clothes in cross-dress fic! I think I just like the guys in girl clothes a bit too much!
One of the things I absolutely adore in fics is when there are family members/other juniors/members giving advice and being witty - I don't think I'm that good at the witty part yet, but I imagine Taiga's mum to be pretty funny and light-hearted!
Yasui is beautiful as a girl too right?! That popolo shoot was adorable (the ribbon and the shoes...and his facial expressions!), that's one of my favourites! But my favourite girl Yasui has to be Kelly in 49 - seriously amazing!!
Thank you for reading and for the comment too!! Comments make me super happy!!
Hehehe, I love guys in girls clothes so much too! Have you seen how many ficlets I've written on Kyoko? XDD
Ah, you're the one who wrote Taiga/Kelly, right? That was fun~~
T^T comments are getting sparce lately. But it feels good when receiving them!
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