Title: Baby Blue: Part 5: Chapter 10
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1918
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: They knew that moving forward would be hard, but with each hurdle the happiness they deserve seems further and further away.
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Comments 4
And ah! Nice input on the siblings bit >w< and I love imagining JunDa in a pile on the floor making stressful wedding decisions xD
But of course the revisit to the boat scene! (and lol coincedence! I was thinking of making a crack!JunDa ver of titanic fic xD) but on a serious note i think that's the perfect way for them to get away and come to terms with their feelings, of how they really want this and also escape from real life a bit. I don't know why but the scene of Uepi crying was just too precious in my mind >w< and oh that wedding idea! *w*
Thanks so much for updating despite being ill. Please don't force yourself okay? Health comes first! *hugs* Get well soon~
I think because I know this series will be ending soon I'm getting all nostalgic and trying revisit all the fluffy feelsy bits from earlier in the series >_< I hope it's not too similar! I'd kinda had that as an idea for their wedding anyway so it ties things together at least!
Thankfully I'm feeling a lot better now!! Though there was nearly a week there where I was convinced I'd be ill for the rest of my life >_< but alas I was being over-dramatic.
Really? That was one of your favourite parts? *__* Honestly if I had to pick my favourite scene...it's actually the break up right after the sunset thing, I had that all planned out in my head before I even started writing Baby Blue! So yeah the sunset scene was a pretty important scene for me so I'm really happy that it stands out as one of your favourites! The trouble is going back to all these old scenes makes me nostalgic and I don't want to stop writing this series >_<
Thank you so much for reading and commenting as always, it really does mean a lot to me!!
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