Title: Kimi no Happy Birthday
Pairing: Taiga x Tegoshi
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Koyama promised Taiga that Tegoshi would get him a present for his 20th birthday.
Word Count: 1714
Author's Note: In celebration of Taiga's 20th birthday!! They grow up so fast!
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There's so many birthdays this time of year that I want to write for, but I just couldn't find the time to do it >_< I'd been planning on writing something like this since last year though, when Koyama said that he'd promised Taiga that Tegoshi would get him a present for his 20th birthday!! At least I got one thing I set out to do this year done!
I'm glad you liked it though! And Tegoshi bottoming >_< I just can't see it any other way, in my head canon at least he seems cheeky enough that it would work out that way! >_
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