Title: Baby Blue: Part 4: Chapter 15
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1030
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: All they wanted was each other, just to be together the way they once were. But now that they have it, is that still enough?
1st February 2014
Ueda had stuck to his side of the bargain, over the past two months they'd been to look at six different apartments, but each of them Ueda found some problem with, despite Taguchi's best efforts each time to find something without all of the problems of the previous ones.
They went under the pretence of finding a new apartment for Ueda, so as not to rouse any suspicion from the property management. And while he always did his best to look at them objectively, as soon as he and Taguchi were alone again, he found plenty of reason to refuse.
The first didn't allow pets so of course it was refused immediately, the second he thought was too small, the third not in a good location.
The fourth had been rather nice, and had it been for Ueda alone he probably would have liked it, but as they were both moving in together there were other conditions Ueda was insisting on, there had to be at least two separate entrances so that if they were followed, they could split up and it wouldn't seem as though one was following the other, and they could claim they just lived in different places in the same building. In fact, if he'd had it his way they would have found a building with two apartments for rent at the same time, so that if anyone looked into it, there would be two separate leases for two separate apartments, but Taguchi had eventually convinced him that it wouldn't be worth the extra hassle or expense.
The fifth apartment he hadn't liked all that much at all, but since it was approaching Christmas at the time, Taguchi had been extra pushy in the hopes that they could be moved in together in time for Christmas. As hard as it was to deny Taguchi's pouting, Ueda still refused, and he didn't hear the end of it the whole duration of the Christmas period.
The sixth they had just been to look at, and while it was nice enough, Ueda was still trying to think of flaws as they re-entered Taguchi's apartment to discuss it.
“There was nothing wrong with that one...” Taguchi insisted.
“It comes with an allotted car parking space though...we have two cars...” he countered.
“There was a few spaces for visitors too, I could park there...”
“But there were only a few, what if you couldn't find a space...it's no good if you can't even park when you get home...”
“There was plenty of street parking a few streets away...I saw it on the drive there.” Taguchi argued back.
“Yeah but...parking on the street...and I wouldn't want to leave my car a few streets away” Ueda answered with his nose wrinkled.
“You wouldn't have too, I would park my mini on the street, your car would be plenty safe enough in the car park and then if anything happens to mine, it's my problem...”
“Is it really worth the risk though...I mean we don't know much about the neighbourhood...”
“Is it worth it? Parking my car out of my line of sight so that I get to move in with you?”
He was saved the struggle of finding another argument by Taguchi's phone ringing. He would have thought nothing of it, if not for the guilty look Taguchi flashed him before leaving the room to answer it.
“What was that about?” he asked as Taguchi took his seat again.
“That was Mayuko-chan.” he replied, his face tense as waited for Ueda's response. “She's back in Tokyo...and she wanted a favour...”
His eyebrows knotted together in mix of confusion and anger. “What does she want from you now?”
Taguchi swallowed noticeably, his face looking even more guilty. “She said that it's a huge and really important favour and she didn't want to ask over the phone...she's coming over for coffee in about two hours...”
He couldn't hold back his temper any more “She's coming here? Why didn't you just refuse...or at least meet her somewhere not so private...”
“I suggested a coffee shop first...” Taguchi said in defence “but she said that it wouldn't be good for us to be spotted together...think about it Uepi...it wouldn't be good right, after all the rumours before, we can't blame it on drama rehearsals now...”
“Then just don't see her” Ueda huffed, his arms folding across his chest.
“Uepi...she's my friend.”
“I haven't forgotten...and I certainly haven't forgotten about the things you got up to despite her being just a friend.” Ueda snapped back.
“Do you really think I would cheat on you?” Taguchi asked, his lips twitching involuntarily into a smile “You're not still jealous surely...”
“I trust you.” Ueda pouted “I just don't trust her...inviting herself over here, all alone, asking for favours...”
Taguchi laughed a little “You're so cute when you're jealous. And besides, we don't have to be alone, I told her you were here and she said that was fine...”
Ueda's face lightened, but only a fraction. “Well then I'll stay...but I won't be happy about it.”
Two hours later, when there was a quiet knock at the door, he still wasn't happy about it. He followed Taguchi to the genkan, a teacup clutched in his hands to prevent them from curling into fists.
He couldn't see her around Taguchi's back, but he was rather grateful for that, the last time he'd seen her she'd been wrapped in one of Taguchi's towels, dripping wet from the shower just metres from where they were now stood, and he was dreading the feelings he'd felt then rising back up when he saw her face again.
“Mayu-chan” Taguchi greeted her, pulling her in for a hug, and Ueda turned his head away. “You didn't tell me you were pregnant, congratulations.”
His head whipped back around just in time for Taguchi to take a step back, and Ueda's eyes flew to the huge bulge at her stomach. The tea-cup fell from his hands before his mind had even fully formed the thought, and then before he had time to question it Mayuko responded.
“That's kind of what I wanted to see you about...”
Chapter 14 |
Chapter 16 ----------------------------------------------------------
Sorry for the random dissappearance again...I've had a pretty busy few weeks. Anyway, hopefully life should start getting back to normal now so maybe I'll be able to keep up with updates a bit better...