Title: Baby Blue: Part 4: Chapter 1
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1016
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: All they wanted was each other, just to be together the way they once were. But now that they have it, is that still enough?
Chapter 1 )
Comments 16
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Thank you for updating! ^__^
I really love how Junno's trying his best to make up for what he did (and yes, I totally think he has a lot of making up to do still x_x) But the thought of him spoiling Ueda is just too precious >w< Also, the fact that Ueda wants to do something for him too is just too cute~ <3
AND YAY FOR SPAGHETTI!! LOL I had a feeling this would show up some time in the future chapters xD JunDa and spaghetti just click so well >w<
I liked the part with Ueda feeling aggravated that they have to keep their relationship away from the public and him feeling lonely the minute Junno isn't there, it's like now that he nearly lost the chance to be with Junno he doesn't ever want to be away from him >.< I just want to smoosh them together already TwT (not that the cuddle tiemz on the couch wasn't satisfactory or anything >w<)
I'm just so excited for the rest and how everything will go for them! *w* Though it's sad you have writers block now >< I hope you get through it D= ( ... )
Indeed Junno still has a LOT of making up to do, I'm a few chapters in with the writing so far and I don't think people will be disappointed :) I like Junno again at least >_<
Yes...it had to be spaghetti...JunDa and spaghetti just fit so well together in my mind now :P
I'm really happy you like the fluffy bits anyway, I don't think fluff is a strong point for me which is maybe why I'm having a little trouble writing it, but I'm certainly going to do my best with it. And I'm excited to see how you guys will take the things I have in store for them :)
Thank you for your comment :D
and thanks for the update
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