[Timelines] key_blade: While Stands the Warrior (Leon and Cloud)

Oct 17, 2008 23:44

RIGHT NOW this is just my notes for what I'm doing for each part typed up and timelined for future reference. EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE! Especially which prompts I apply to which fic.

Kingdom Hearts:
1) And So Begins Our Dance: The kid was pointing and waving at someone leaning against the statue farthest from the doors - some guy with hair even spikier than Sora's, who was having more luck with ignoring the kid than Leon was. (G, 814 words) [8. Disruption, 12. Strength, 75. Children's stories, 47. Steps]
2) Leon and Yuffie petition Phil to let them fight contenders instead of Heartless, which he agrees to - if they can hold their own against Cloud. [1. Start, 2. Morning, 54. Clash]
3) Leon seeks Cloud out for a rematch and they end up fighting together in the Colliseum. [38. Restraint.]
4) The world starts to ripple, and Cloud refuses to go to Hollow Bastion with Leon and Yuffie. [81. Ripple, 86. Upside down, 44. Travelling.]

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories:
5) Leon goes round Hollow Bastion to find out what needs repairing most, and tries to remember exactly what he's supposed to have forgotten. [56. Nostalgia, 32. Home, 26. Searching, 34. Missing]
6) Leon's going crazy with boredom. Aerith introduces him to someone she met at the castle: Cloud. [43. Itch, 63. Crazy, 72. Boredom, 37. Desire]

Kingdom Hearts II:
(The Computer Room)
7a) Leon explores Ansem's Castle and discovers the computer room and the nest of Heartless inside it. [77. Surprises, 91. Release, 24. Sealed, 41. Inside]
7b) Leon drags Cloud to help him take the Control Room, despite Cloud's protests that he doesn't care. [58. Danger, 61. What has to be done, 66. Once bitten, twice shy.]
7c) Leon activates the computers, Cloud is bemused by the numbers, they both accuse each other of idiocy. [78. Button, 36. Goals, 20. Control, 52. Maths, 17. Clever]

(The Underdrome!)
8a) Aerith "suggests" that the three of them go to the Underdrome for a holiday. Cloud is Very Comfortable in the underworld (and saves Yuffie from touching dead people in the Rixer Styx) and induces craziness in Pain and Panic. [7. Holiday, 9. Fish, 3. Sea]
8b) Hades finds out Cloud's back in the Underworld and comes to check on him, PERSONALLY. By the time he's ready to unleash his worst, Leon is lying and saying that they're entering as a trio so he might as well not bother. [10. Blue, 6. Trio]

(The scene that launched a thousand ships!)
9a) Leon is grabbed by Cloud to come and save the town. Leon points out that Cloud doesn't care. Cloud doesn't dignify that with a response. [69. Fork in the road, 18. Attack, 19. Defense]
9b) Cloud and Leon back to back in what could be THEIR LAST BATTLE DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. [100. Last one, 95. Joke, 94. Grin, 60. Go]
9c) They're never going to live it down that Sora's fighting harder. [97. Going all out, 92. Motion, 21. Heartless, 88. Covered]
9d) SEPHIROTH. [14. Fever, 15. Help, 31. Voice, 67. Broken]
9e) Cloud and Leon, lying about injuries. [87. Red, 83. Lies, 71. Bruises, 93. Scratch]

(Honesty and Sephiroth)
10a) Cloud has crazy Sephiroth dreams. [29. Fear, 30. Dreams]
10b) Cloud worries about Sephiroth. Leon tells him he's an idiot. [82. Honesty, 85. Words, 45. Games, 51. Hate, 16. Calm]

(Here today, gone tomorrow)
11) Tifa tells them that Cloud's gone again. Leon doesn't care. Everyone else is convinced he does. [35. Here today, gone tomorrow, 33. Sanctuary, 74. Paopu fruit]
12) Cloud comes back. [46. Serendipity]

1) How exactly Cloud/Leon got that keyblade to give to Sora.

Prompts timelined: 066/100
Prompts written: 000/100

! timeline, claim: key_blade, fandom: kingdom hearts

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