I'm exhausted and had a 9 hour drive back from New York. However, nothing was standing between me and my Torchwood. NOTHING.
Brief thoughts, I'll do a more coherent review tomorrow. ♥
Spoilers, reactions as I was watching. And yes, that one scene? I transcribed it.
Children of Earth | Day One -- Spoilers! )
Comments 2
Ianto's brother-in-law is a super dick. And not in the good way. As for Jack, I think he was very much in character. He's all about the sexy and "How YOU doin'?" stuff, not so good with actual, yanno, relationships. Whether it's man, woman, robot or small furry creature from Alpha Centauri. And he abhores labels (which is why I don't get on with a lot of TW fen who want to pigeonhole him as a gay, monogamous creature what he ain't.)
And I actually liked Gwen/Rhys this episode, especially Rhys with his random bit of genius! Usually I watch them and just wonder why they're kidding themselves, but this episode, they totally worked. I wonder how long that will last.
I do hate that I have become so jaded by television that I can't be worried that Jack's actually gone. Non-spoiler spec: he might be out for most of day two, but the cliffhanger for tomorrow, possibly the next day, could be his molecules gluing themselves back together. (Marvel at my scientific explanations!)
Gaaaah why can't I have day two yet? *flails*
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