Well, I was taking some pics, when all of a sudden, the sky turned black and I lost all light. :B We just had a really quick thunderstorm, and while I think it's already stopped raining, it's still too dark for photos. Le sigh. :'<
Anyways, I took one of Darcy, and two of Sy. :3
Pretty Lucai boys. ♥ )
Comments 18
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Yup! I meant to take him back in 2007, but then a naughty little Nomi arrived and pushed Sy out of the way and went with me instead. ^^; I look forward to seeing you and your dollies! :D
Sy is so pretty! I love those SD13 chests. And I just love his pretty long eyelashes. <333
Oh man, so do I!!! X3 And I'm totally glad I changed Sy's eyelashes to the longer ones, they really suit him more than what he did have. :3 Thanks! ♥
I love the third photo a lot because of how the shadows fall on his chest. And his dreamy eyes are so lovely~♥
I loooooove taking pics to show off that chest! ♥ SD13 boys have such gorgeous, subtle sculpting. I love! :D Thanks! ^^
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