(no subject)

Apr 30, 2008 23:04

A year ago today, I had a very grumpy little boy show up on my doorstep.

I was in love with those little hands from the start.

His first photos were with a spare silver wig, and stolen pants.

We soon found out that Vaughn and Nomi had an interesting relationship. ♥

Yay, finally his real wig! \o/

Prim little Nomi. X3

Still one of my favorite pictures of him.

No photo montage of Nomikins would be complete without at least one picture of his cute derriere. X333

....Or of Nomi overdosing on chocolate, for that matter. :B

Such a cutie. ^_^

Nomi does his best impression of a pouty cupcake.

He helps us celebrate the holidays in December, looking saucy and surrounded by chocolate.

Nomiki scowls at nature. :<

Is comforted by Vaughn when he needs it.

Here, he shows off his cute little booty again.

And plays around in my office.

Oh, Nomi. ♥
The shirt says it all! O:

Gah, I know I say it every time I post pics of him, but I sure do love that little boy! Just the most adorable thing there is, srsly. I remember getting him, and a lot of people were like, "Ehh, I'm not so sure about the sculpt. :\" I think me & Nomi have worked long and hard to help change the general consensus about Yugiri. Such an adorable pout! Those puffy lips! The cute little nosey! X3333

Nomi is my sweet little boy, and I'm very happy to have had him for a year now. He's my most spoiled little boy as well, and I dote upon him constantly. I don't post pictures as often as I should of him, but rest assured if I'm carrying a dollie around the apartment with me, just because, it's usually my little Nomikins. X3 ♥

And, now I'm done being a sappy doll owner for the night, it's time for bed. :B

vaughn, nomiki, doll photos, arrival anniversary

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