Patient evaluation: Morgana

Oct 17, 2009 15:43

Will waits patiently in the interview-room, reviewing the extensive and, likely, highly inaccurate medical records on Morgana. Younger than Ashley and either suffering from a combination of ODD and PTSD or from precognition and telekinesis. Terrifying either way and he's got nothing but pity for the girl.
Except for him and her medical records, the ( Read more... )

nudge: morgana, ic

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Comments 112

morgana_l_f October 17 2009, 22:22:03 UTC
Morgana pauses just inside the door as it closes behind her, leaving her and the doctor apparently alone. She wonders about security though and who else is watching through hidden cameras or the glass she can't see out of ( ... )


w_zimmerman October 17 2009, 22:31:32 UTC
Will watches her sit down impassively, noticing her defensive and fearful behavior, her obvious uncertainty. A little suspicion, maybe, and something else related to the defensiveness. She'll do her best to scare him if he starts to threaten her comfort or security in any way. He can't blame her the way her records tell him she's been stifled, suppressed, neglected, drugged. It's just shy of abuse and that pisses him off and makes him set her file aside more forcefully than he normally would have.

His smile for her is genuine, apologetic, and understanding. Completely devoid of judgment.

"Miss Le Fey, my name's Will and, with luck, I'm going to be able to help you get out of here."


morgana_l_f October 17 2009, 22:57:22 UTC
She hadn't been expecting that and it takes her back, almost a startled jump in her seat.

He's smiling at her and it seems warm, not like that of the nurses and doctors here who always appear to be simply humouring her. She wants to smile back but she can't manage it, doubt instantly forming in her mind.

So, he gets her out of here; and where does he take her then? She rather doubted he was just going to let her go on her merry way. He must have something else in mind for her.

"Who are you?" she blurts out, blunt and challenging. "What do you want?"


w_zimmerman October 17 2009, 23:04:31 UTC
"Will Zimmerman, I'm a psychiatrist and a lot of the people I work with have been misdiagnosed. Which I'm pretty sure you have been," he adds, pouring a glass of water and sliding it across the table to her. He pings the glass pitcher 'absently' with one finger-nail before pouring himself a glass, too. "Have a snack if you want," he offers, gesturing to the cookies and chocolates.

"What I want is to help you. That's what my organization does; we help people who have been misunderstood by the traditional medical establishment. How are you feeling since they discontinued the antipsychotics?" he adds. "Less groggy?"


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