(meet and greet, Doctor Montgomery)

Oct 06, 2009 14:59

A young man peers around the door of Doctor Montgomery's office, tapping on the door frame. "Doctor Montgomery? Will Zimmerman; I'm a colleague of Doctor Magnus'. I was in the neighborhood on business and thought it would be polite to stop in and introduce myself." With a smile that makes him look distinctly pre-adolescent, he waves, not entering ( Read more... )

nudge: montgomery, ic

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dra_montgomery October 6 2009, 19:46:43 UTC
Addison was in her office, reading some patient files. They were sure exciting things to read, because she didn't notice anyone on her office's doorframe until they introducted themself. She turns to him and smiles back "Oh, hello Mr, or is it doctor Zimmerman? I'm Addison Montgomery, as you already seem to know. It's nice to meet you, i haven't had the time to inroduct myslef properly, i've been pretty swamped with these patient files" she says, pointing at the pile of files sitting on her desk. Then she comes to Will and offers a hand at him.


dra_montgomery October 13 2009, 22:14:49 UTC
"You could say that.. but believe me when I tell you that it has not made my life very easy. It's kinda hard growing up when your parents love their money more than their children." she answers truthfully. Her wealth has always been a though subject to her, unlike the rest to the rest of the family. "I don't keep much contact which I think is only a good thing for my sanity." she adds as the elevator goes down.
"It must really be an experience actually living in a place like this!" she says "Yes she did. But I'm thinking that all of them don't appear exactly human?" The elevator finally stops and they step out.


w_zimmerman October 13 2009, 22:22:08 UTC
"Minus the money part, I know how you feel. I never stayed in touch with any of the foster parents I had growing up. The Sanctuary is much better, like a real family, people who actually love and care about you no matter what.

"No, not everyone here is human," he answers. "We have a family of harpies in the upper level of the main lab, Steve's a seven-foot-tall lizard, and Sally's a mermaid. And Magnus' butler is a Sasquatch," he adds absently as they enter the main lab.


dra_montgomery October 14 2009, 21:44:48 UTC
"Foster homes, from what i've heard and witnessed can be difficult. I can't imagine what you've had to go through" she says. Addison really likes Will so far. He seems honest and pretty easy to talk to. "It seems that way. I am glad I can now be a part of that family, even a small one"

"Oh wow. I think I'll keep in mind not to irritate Steve then. Wouldn't want a seven-foot-tall lizard chasing me around" she says, half joking, half serous. "A mermaid? I have always loved mermaids, I think as a little girl I even wanted to be a mermaid.." she says and wonders how funny it is that she is telling all this stuff to a guy she just met today for the first time and how natural i feels "I'm sorry, i don't know what's gotten into me lately. I'm sure you're not very interested of my childhood dreams" she says little awkwardly.


w_zimmerman October 14 2009, 21:52:53 UTC
"Most foster parents are nothing but good-intentioned, but there's never enough time or patience to go around," he tells her, waving a dismissive hand.

"Don't worry about Steve. As long as you don't catch him before his first cup of coffee, he's an enormous teddy-bear, only with scales instead of fur. Don't worry about it. I'm a shrink so I'm supposed to be interested in your childhood," he teases. "No worse than me wanting to be Indiana Jones when I was a kid."


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