Fic: Not Every Day (Gen)

Feb 06, 2011 13:59

Title: Not Every Day

Fandom: Supernatural

Summary: It’s not every day that Sam wakes up to overhear Dean talking - very amicably - to a demon.

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything to do with Supernatural.

Spoilers: Very, very mild up mid season five. Very mild though, it’s literally just a mention of a character.

A/N: Apparently, my mind doesn't ( Read more... )

fic:gen, supernatural, fic

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Comments 12

jennytork February 6 2011, 14:11:32 UTC
Oh, that was amazing! Thank you for this, I'm actually smiling!


theron09 February 6 2011, 14:36:50 UTC
Aww, thank you :) I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I'm even happier that it made you smile.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment - it's much appreciated.


whitereflection February 6 2011, 14:22:36 UTC
Ooh, I love fever fics, hehe. And poor Sam, what does he say to something like that--"Oops"? XD


theron09 February 6 2011, 14:39:47 UTC
Haha, I can just imagine Sam's little 'Oops' moment :)

Thanks for commenting!


borgmama1of5 February 6 2011, 16:46:31 UTC
Nice little mystery!


theron09 February 6 2011, 19:08:54 UTC
Thanks :)


jennybliss February 6 2011, 17:37:18 UTC
We all know that Dean would NEVER really be friends with a demon.

Nice job!


theron09 February 6 2011, 19:09:07 UTC
Haha, yep XD

Thank you!


trollmela February 7 2011, 17:46:14 UTC
Great to see you posted this! Poor Sam for being so sick. I'm not sure I've mentioned this, but I think you got Dean spot on in the dialogue.

Now my dirty little mind can't help but wonder: how is Sam going to apologize to Cas? ;)


theron09 February 7 2011, 19:03:04 UTC
Thanks - I'm glad you like this one :) And, aww, thanks for saying so.

Haha...maybe that's something you could write XD


trollmela February 7 2011, 19:15:29 UTC for me...
Figures that would be my task ;)

I'll put it on my list?


theron09 February 7 2011, 19:18:17 UTC
Haha, if you want to then go ahead XD


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