
Jun 03, 2010 13:07

My last exam's a week today, I really just want them to be over now. Only have two left though, so it's not that bad. I'm feeling quite happy about the way that they're going.

I've got so many plot bunnies in my head at the moment, I'm going to try and get them all written down. The fic that I mentioned earlier (the canon Wincest) is developing in ( Read more... )

twitter, real life, fic, writing

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Comments 12

kros_21 June 3 2010, 12:55:25 UTC
good luck hun!

and hold on there... the end is not too far away and then you'll be able to rest. ;)



theron09 June 3 2010, 13:28:28 UTC
Thank you!!! I'll just be glad when they're over :)



canyon_deye June 3 2010, 13:00:48 UTC
I wish I had your fic ideas! I've been wanting to write something so bad lately but I can't squeeze a good idea out of my brain :)

Big Bang is always a lot of fun. You will love it! :D


theron09 June 3 2010, 13:29:35 UTC
I was like that for ages!! I started watching SPN and I wanted to write fic but I had no ideas.

I'm so excited for it!!! Summer's going to be fun :D


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theron09 June 3 2010, 18:50:45 UTC
Congratulations on finishing!!! So, does that mean you're finished with school now or this year? We have to go back and start on next years work once exams are done.

Summer is going to be awesome :)


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theron09 June 4 2010, 16:13:44 UTC
Lucky you :D

Hopefully myworkload will ease off after exams.

Have a great time at Westlife. *is jealous*


shescheeky June 3 2010, 19:29:23 UTC
ARg EXAMS! Excuse me while I blackout in fear. Oh, and Good Luck, girl. ;)


theron09 June 3 2010, 20:17:24 UTC
Aha. Exams are scary.

Thanks :D


nitro26 June 4 2010, 09:05:32 UTC
Good luck with all those exams! Can't school just be OVER already? ;) *sigh*


theron09 June 4 2010, 16:28:37 UTC
Thanks :D Only six days to go now!


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