Nov 18, 2010 21:04

I haven't posted in a few days - been very busy, have lots to say now ( Read more... )

spn, squee, harry potter, real life, leverage

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Comments 9

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theron09 November 19 2010, 08:20:40 UTC
It's so awesome :) I really love the original generation.


eph_inspiration November 18 2010, 21:24:52 UTC
Pokemon Yellow! Man, I miss those games; I had Red (technically I still have the cartridge, but), it died on me last year. :(

I'll get around to seeing Harry Potter eventually; can't say when though.

And I hope that 6x09 is as great as I think it'll be, because I need some good to come from this week. :-\


theron09 November 19 2010, 08:23:10 UTC
I love the Pokemon games :) Aww, that's a shame that it died on you - I thought I'd lost mine so when I found it I was very happy!!!!!!!!!

Awww, hope things pick up soon for you!



semperama November 18 2010, 22:00:43 UTC
So jealous you get to see HP tomorrow! I have to wait a few days. :(

Omg, Pokemon Yellow! That was my favorite of the original generation. I will never outgrow Pokemon, I'm convinced.


theron09 November 19 2010, 08:23:51 UTC
I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, though :)

I know! Pokemon Yellow was the best XD I really do love it.


easytigergrrr November 18 2010, 23:12:05 UTC
Gameboy! I remember the first version that came out. With the really pixely graphics? lol good times! ;)


theron09 November 19 2010, 08:24:32 UTC
Haha, yeah. Reliving my childhood is proving to be fun :) Also, I'm more aware of what I'm doing now so my pokemon are better :)


easytigergrrr November 19 2010, 23:21:07 UTC
Lol. I just remember playing the old pokemon and constantly running from battles because I was always afraid I'd have to fight Pigeoto and I hated that bird! lol


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theron09 November 19 2010, 08:25:08 UTC
I'm going to see it tonight XD I'm very excited :) It does look really, really awesome. Hope you get to see it soon!


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