'Come back to us!!!'

Jul 26, 2010 13:11

-So, I have lots and lots of ideas for the challenge fics but I can't seem to start writing :/ I know what I want to happen in each chapter and everything. It's the same with the prompt fics - I know what I want to happen but I just can't get it written down and now I'm feeling bad about taking so long with them.

-I'm going to need to rewatch 5x01 ( Read more... )

squee, season six, fic stuff, supernatural, writing, challenges, spn, jared and jensen make me happy, fandom stuff, randomness

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Comments 10

ai_kizu July 26 2010, 12:36:35 UTC
I was reading the s6 spoilers that were said at Comic Con and ahhhhhhhh. Also really want to see gag reel so badly.

I may end up doing a rerun again so I can write very bad fic. Yay for no writing ability.


theron09 July 26 2010, 13:02:36 UTC
The complete gag reel is going to be so good *waits for it*

I'm sure your fic won't be bad! :D


(The comment has been removed)

theron09 July 26 2010, 19:07:51 UTC
It'd be awesome :D

I really want them to be a happy family when Supernatural ends.


docrock06 July 26 2010, 16:01:34 UTC
I totally get you on the prompt thing - I signed up for a 10 I love you prompt table months ago and haven't wrote a single one even though I know what I want.

And yayness for comic con! I can't wait to get the DVD to watch the gag reel in proper quality lol


theron09 July 26 2010, 19:08:48 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one :D

Me too - the gag reel on the dvd will be so much better!


nitro26 July 26 2010, 23:52:45 UTC
What certain title?! You mean an episode one? Man, I gotta catch up on all these reports.

Ugh, I hate when that happens with writing. I mean, I know EXACTLY WHAT I WANT, but I just can't get it out. :/ Good luck, hun! <333

Omg. Colin Ford is my favorite EVER, srsly. So much love for that kid. ♥


theron09 July 27 2010, 09:03:12 UTC
Yeah, its an episode title. Do you want to know? Because I can tell you, although you might know it by now.

*stares down the writers block* I'm going to beat it. I hope ;)

Colin Ford is so cute!!!! He's always talking about Supernatural and how much he loves it on his Twitter :D


nitro26 July 27 2010, 21:00:20 UTC
I think I know which one you might be talking about, but I don't want to spoil you if it isn't. Which one's yours? :)

You can do it! *cheers*

He issss! Omg. ^_^ His Twitter is the most adorable thing EVER, I totally agree. I just need to like keep him in my pocket or something. <333 I really hope we'll see him on SPN again!


theron09 July 28 2010, 08:50:36 UTC
SPOILER: Live Free and Twi-Hard - it's awesome :D

I was supposed to write lots yesterday and I didn't write a single word. Hmm. Must write today!


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