Charming Bingo (for leverageland)

Apr 29, 2012 20:29

Various ficlets underneath the cuts. Various pairings etc.

BASH (team drabble) )

nate/eliot, leverageland, gen, leverage, nate/sophie, eliot/quinn

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Comments 7

midnighthour April 29 2012, 20:08:44 UTC
What a lovely and diverse collection of ficlets! They all catch different facets of the characters and make them shine beautifully :) Grump, Sneeze and Snow are my favorites ♥


theron09 April 29 2012, 20:16:25 UTC
Aww, thank you - I didn't want to do 9 ficlets that were all the same pairing or whatever so I'm glad you think they're diverse :D


midnighthour April 29 2012, 20:22:33 UTC
I don't think I could have produced a variety like this even if I'd tried!


jesco0307 April 29 2012, 20:43:55 UTC
This is incredible, seriously. How you manage to basically write every character in such a brilliant way, I honestly admire your talent. Each one of them is perfect in their own way and even the shortest one manages to pull me in right away.

I love the Eliot/Quinn ones, because hey, it's Eliot and Quinn, but my favorites are Clumsy and Snow. They are just beautiful!!!


theron09 April 30 2012, 12:45:06 UTC
Aww, thank you so much - I'm really glad you like them and think the characters are well-written.

Thanks <3


bexta1989 April 29 2012, 23:37:45 UTC
Amazing group of ficlets :D I love Bash, Clumsy and Snow.


theron09 April 30 2012, 12:45:41 UTC
Thank you so much :)


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