Fic: Things Left Unsaid (Leverage, Eliot/Quinn)

Apr 08, 2012 13:53

Title: Things Left Unsaid
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Eliot/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Eliot and Quinn do lots of things for each other but they rarely talk about it.
A/N: Drabble type thing written for ishilde because she’s ishilde.

Sometimes, Eliot wakes up shouting. Quinn isn’t stupid; he’s well aware of how little his partner sleeps, knows that most nights Eliot can be found reading a book or going through information Hardison’s given him or, if Eliot’s feeling really wired, cooking more pasta than one person could possibly need. But Quinn thinks that’s what makes the shouting worse, the fact that even when Eliot does manage to sleep his dreams don’t let him be at peace for long. If it happens when Quinn’s around, he’ll get right out of bed with Eliot and follow him out to the living room, sit with him while he does whatever he does and he thinks maybe it helps.

They don’t talk about it.

Quinn hates horror movies. It sounds stupid, he knows, after everything he’s seen and done, but they remind him too much of it all. Hardison loves them, though, and when it’s his turn to choose a movie, Quinn never complains. Eliot seems to know, though, always sits that much closer to him, murmurs jokes in his ear all the way through and it’s easier to sit there and not flinch and Quinn appreciates it.

They don’t talk about it.

On occasion, they have to bail each other out of trouble. Quinn gets in too deep or someone from Eliot’s past resurfaces. Before, they’d have dealt with it on their own, done unthinkable things to get themselves out of the situation or maybe, if they’d been really unlucky, ended up dead because they’d run out of options. Now, though, there are two of them. Even though they don’t work as a team, they’ve got an unspoken agreement that says they’re always going to help each other out.

And even though they both feel a little bit safer, a little bit less alone, because of it, they don’t talk about it.

fic:leverage, fic, leverage, eliot/quinn

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