The Experimental Job - Episode Reaction and Meta

Nov 28, 2011 18:21

Okay, I’m going to start off saying that I LOVED this episode. It feels like it was one of the episodes that I’ve just been waiting for and the themes that were explored were things that I’ve wanted to see for ages. I'm sure there'll be bits I forget to mention so feel free to discuss in the comments :)

... )

leverage season 4, shows, episode reaction, leverage, meta

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Comments 5

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theron09 November 30 2011, 09:45:38 UTC
Yeah, it was a very good episode and the character exploration was just fantastic - I'm sure there'll be stuff that I notice watching the second time that I missed the first time, too.


nightcamedown November 29 2011, 19:36:18 UTC
I agree *so much* with everything you said here :) I thought that this one of the strongest eps of the season - maybe of the series - and the contrast between the Hardison and Eliot storylines was handled incredibly well. Dawwww, I missed this show so much ♥♥♥

The whole scene with the ‘how many people have you killed’ and the ‘do you really want to know…’ speech was just amazing - it’s so easy to watch Eliot’s fight scenes and the jokes with Hardison and forget that Christian Kane can also do scenes like that - where it’s heart-breaking and believable and it really affects you.YES. THIS. SO MUCH. One of the things I really love about Leverage is that they don't pigeon-hole their actors (you're the tough one, you're the funny one, you're the weird one, etc.). Sure, the *characters* have certain emotional ranges where they'll naturally be most comfortable, but every single actor gets the opportunity to shine in these kind of intense emotional arcs. The fact that "the tough guy" gets these brilliant, quiet, intense scenes and that they ( ... )


theron09 November 30 2011, 09:48:46 UTC
XD It definitely was a VERY strong episode and it's definitely up there with my favourites now. I just think it was handled so, so well in terms of how they explored the characters. It was such a great episode to get after waiting for a new one for so long.

What you said :D Leverage is one of those rare shows where every actor and every character is strong and I'm so glad they recognise that by letting them all handle intense scenes.


jesco0307 December 3 2011, 22:49:39 UTC
Yes, yes, yes to all you're saying - I LOVE this episode ( ... )


theron09 December 4 2011, 11:41:49 UTC
It was such a great episode.

Haha, I think I know who your fav character is :D It was really great to get such a fantastic exploration into Eliot's character and past. Christian Kane is such an amazing actor and I love that he got a chance to show this side of his skills again.

I know what you mean about Nate and Eliot - there didn't seem to be an episode where things were really resolved; I'm wondering whether we might see more of this storyline in future episodes, though, and whether this was just a temporary truce.


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