
Apr 28, 2011 17:37

Hey guys :) Just dropping by quickly to thank you all for all of the birthday wishes, v-gifts and other lovely things that you gave me yesterday. I had a really awesome birthday and I can't wait to write up a proper post about it. Today, however, has been almost as busy as yesterday and I'm going to the local theatre tonight so the post might have ( Read more... )

supernatural season seven, friends, thank you, birthday

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Comments 11

si_star_x April 28 2011, 16:53:55 UTC
Luff you too, Meg! Enjoy the theatre! ^Hugs


theron09 April 28 2011, 16:56:08 UTC
:) Thank you - it should be interesting anyway; we're going with the Brownies and it's always funny watching them trying to remember the national anthem ;)



si_star_x April 28 2011, 16:58:04 UTC
I don't even know it! Eek. Are you watching the royal wedding tomorrow? And did you see that I got my Social Worker job? \o/


theron09 April 28 2011, 17:00:23 UTC
Haha, I only do because of years of going to the Gang Show!

Nope, we're going out for the day to escape it all, lol - I'll watch the highlights later.

Nope, I must have missed that. Congratulations! I'm really pleased for you :)


screamoutloud April 28 2011, 16:55:09 UTC
Oooo happy late birthday! Have fun tonight.
Whoop for Supernatural. :DDDDDDDD


theron09 April 28 2011, 16:57:09 UTC
Haha, thanks :)

I'm so pleased about Supernatural - it was a fantastic birthday present!

And welcome :) I'm looking forward to being friends (I'll do a post tomorrow to introduce myself etc)


screamoutloud April 28 2011, 17:02:36 UTC
Awesome, looking forward to you're post! :)


floren8 April 28 2011, 20:04:13 UTC
Heey :) Happy birthday! I'm late, but I gave you an irresistible present C: I'm sure you can forgive after seeing it!

AND season 7! :D:D:D:D heh


theron09 April 29 2011, 13:30:36 UTC
Haha, thank you!!!!! And yeah, that definitely is irresistable!!!!!!!!

Yay, I know!!! I was starting to get a bit worried that we weren't going to get it but we have so I'm happy :)


(The comment has been removed)

theron09 April 29 2011, 13:31:05 UTC
Thank you :)



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