Uni Events, cookies and fic :D

Mar 23, 2011 12:44

Hey guys :D

I have this information event thing today. I'm leaving at about half two and the event doesn't finish until 8 so I'm probably not going to have time for much tonight. I'm looking forward to it but I'm also a little bit nervous. I'll definitely let all of you know how it goes, though :)

I'm not sure if I mentioned but I have Friday off ( Read more... )

friends, uni stuff, fic stuff, kizzie, coursework

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Comments 9

si_star_x March 23 2011, 12:48:01 UTC
I'm glad you've handed in most of your work and that Kizzie is doing well! Charlie has his collar on for another week or so, he doesn't seem to be scratching too much but every time he wants cuddles the plastic whacks me in the face, haha.



theron09 March 23 2011, 12:55:43 UTC
Thanks :D I'm glad Charlie is doing well, too!

Haha, yeah, Kizzie has this habit of weaving in and out of people's legs to greet them so the collar makes that a bit awkward!

How was the theatre?



si_star_x March 23 2011, 13:24:26 UTC
It was quite entertaining! I like just being at the theatre for anything, it's the atmosphere.

I am sitting outside on the hammock with the sun directly in front and it feels like summer! :D I have a vest top on and feel so lovely and warm. The sunshine does happy things to me, hehe. <3


theron09 March 23 2011, 13:34:07 UTC
That's good :D And yeah, the atmosphere is awesome.

That sounds like fun! The weather is being awesome at the moment :)


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theron09 March 23 2011, 13:08:33 UTC
Haha, but I have coursework to do!

I've done the outline, though, and I'm going to start it soon :D


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theron09 March 23 2011, 13:32:45 UTC
Ah right. Okay, that makes sense :D


kros_21 March 23 2011, 14:41:35 UTC
information for college?

well, whatever it is, enjoy it! I'm sure it'll be useful. ;D

YAY for being done with English courseworks. :)

I'm so glad to hear Kizzie is doing well. :)



theron09 March 23 2011, 20:53:22 UTC
It was about the summer school that I'm doing - it was quite interesting but it went on for a long time!

Thank you :)



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