Mar 10, 2011 14:44

So, I got my results. I didn't do so well in History but it's not a big deal because I already had a B so not doing well on the resit is okay. And everything else cancels that out anyway because:

I got A in everything else! I got really high marks on my AS Lit that I resat, one mark of full marks in my English Language AS resit and FULL MARKS IN MY ( Read more... )


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Comments 42

frack412 March 10 2011, 15:01:32 UTC
CONGRATS!!! That's awesome!


theron09 March 10 2011, 15:05:18 UTC
Thank you :) I'm just so pleased because the last set of results were good but a bit disappointing so this more than makes up for it.


lasvegas_lights March 10 2011, 15:14:56 UTC
well done!!! that's really awesome :D


theron09 March 10 2011, 16:22:14 UTC
Thank you! I'm really pleased :)


si_star_x March 10 2011, 15:21:15 UTC

Well done! How are you going to celebrate, Miss Intelligent? ♥♥


theron09 March 10 2011, 16:22:54 UTC
Thank you! I don't really know, to be honest! I'm helping at the brownies tonight so can't do anything today!



si_star_x March 10 2011, 16:35:12 UTC
At least it's close to the weekend so you could do something then! I used to be a Brownie. I promise that I will do my best to love my God and serve my Queen and country... or whatever... ^___^ I'm so happy for you! I got ABB for my A-Levels, but that was before the internet totally fried my brain.


theron09 March 10 2011, 16:39:36 UTC
Yeah, that's true!

Haha, I'm doing my qualification to be a leader at the moment.

Well, we'll have to see what I get in the summer to see what I get overall but this is very promising :D ABB is awesome!


kros_21 March 10 2011, 15:33:26 UTC
congrats darling. :)


theron09 March 10 2011, 16:23:04 UTC
Thanks XD


ellektra March 10 2011, 15:45:29 UTC
CONGRATULATIONS, girl!!!!! You rock!!!


theron09 March 10 2011, 16:23:13 UTC
Thank you! XD


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