Mar 06, 2011 20:32

Hey :) So, I’ve made a few new friends - hi! I’m really looking forward to getting to know you guys.

Anyway, I think it’s about time to do another ‘about me’ type post, introduce myself to my new friends and update everyone on what’s going on at the moment. I hope it’s not too boring!

-My name is Megan, I’m seventeen (eighteen in April) and I’m from the North of England in the UK. I’m currently in sixth form studying History, English Literature and English Language. I’m hoping to study History and English Literature at university next year. This is me:

-I live with my Mum, little sister, Grandma, Grandad and my golden retriever Kizzie. We’re a pretty close family and I tend to talk about Kizzie quite a lot so here’s a photo of her:

- My two main fandoms are Supernatural (including RPS) and Leverage. I write and read for both and I tend to write Sam/Dean, gen, J2, Jeff/Jensen and Eliot/Hardison. I have been known to write a few Dean/Cas fics though and I’m working on a Nate/Eliot fic at the moment. For anyone that’s interested my masterpost is here

-I’m taking part in spn_j2_bigbang  and I’m posting my spnslashbigbang  fic on the 15th.
-There’s a slightly more detailed ‘about me’ post here

-I have twitter here - just let me know if you’re going to follow me so I know who you are :) My AIM is mtheron09 and the same applies there :)

-I think that’s pretty much it but if you have any questions just ask away :) Randomness is encouraged!

friends, hi, about me

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