I think if it ever is verified that he was, in fact, born in Kenya and the DNC covered it up, there will be consitutional crisis because that means everything he ever signed will be null and void.
And then, of course, there's that fiddly little thing called treason.
I don't know what to make of it, although the Breitbart site certainly makes a good point about his image manipulation.
However, if it ever were verified, they'd shove through a law changing the requirements for the presidency so fast it'd make our heads swim. There's not a doubt in my mind.
Then they'd find a way to change that. I guarantee, there are no lengths to which they would not go to save this presidency if it were ever jeopardized like that. Even if they had to turn the Constitution into toilet paper. They'd probably call it an "emergency measure for the good of the country" or some such rot.
I don't know. Either he allowed or perpretrated the idea that he was born in Kenya, when he was actually born in Hawaai, in order to advance himself or get things he wasn't entitled to -
or he really was born in Kenya and the DNC is covering it up and we're in for a mess of problems.
I wouldn't put either one past Obama as he seems to be a very dishonest person who is only out for his own advancement and couldn't care less about the country.
The Zelig PresidencylazypadawanMay 17 2012, 21:46:47 UTC
The reason why this issue keeps dogging (har har) Obama is his whole persona is a "composite."
The pamphlet may be nothing more than Obama pulling an Elizabeth Warren and playing up his multiculti background to stand out (though Obama is genuinely of African descent, while Warren is whiter than Wonder bread). I'm almost certain he has portrayed himself as a foreigner to get into college, to get scholarships, etc.. They made a big deal out of Michele Bachmann's dual citizenship-by-marriage with Switzerland but Obama likely has multiple citizenships (Indonesia, Kenya) he has used at times for his own advantage.
But there are some lingering questions/issues. You get the feeling of, "What are they trying to hide?"
Re: The Zelig PresidencykelincihutanMay 17 2012, 21:52:36 UTC
The Indonesia thing...
I lived in Indonesia until May 2002. Went to high school there and everything. But I went to an international school, rather than an Indonesian one. And this is significant because, Indonesia only allowed you to attend Indonesian schools if you were an Indonesian citizen. And they did not allow dual citizenship with the United States. That has since changed, but prior to '02, you had to pick one. And we know that Obama went to an Indonesian school. Now, I have no doubt that somebody was paid something to allow Obama to attend the school he did (which is an entirely normal thing in Indonesia), but I've always been surprised that the Birther movement didn't push harder in this direction.
There are so many questions about the whole thing that it makes me suspicious. They won't come right out and show his birth certificate. Then they do so after some time has passed. It just smells of a cover up. However, he's already been in 4 years, I think it's a little too late now.
I'm inclined to think that birthright citizenship should be done away with, anyway.
No, I don't think that can ever happen. I don't want someone acting as an agent for say, Iran or China or any of our enemies being elected to the highest office in our country (and at this point, the most powerful position in the world) and then destroying the USA from within. Not to say that couldn't happen via a natural-born U.S. citizen, but its far more likely to happen with someone born and raised overseas.
Comments 20
And then, of course, there's that fiddly little thing called treason.
However, if it ever were verified, they'd shove through a law changing the requirements for the presidency so fast it'd make our heads swim. There's not a doubt in my mind.
or he really was born in Kenya and the DNC is covering it up and we're in for a mess of problems.
I wouldn't put either one past Obama as he seems to be a very dishonest person who is only out for his own advancement and couldn't care less about the country.
The pamphlet may be nothing more than Obama pulling an Elizabeth Warren and playing up his multiculti background to stand out (though Obama is genuinely of African descent, while Warren is whiter than Wonder bread). I'm almost certain he has portrayed himself as a foreigner to get into college, to get scholarships, etc.. They made a big deal out of Michele Bachmann's dual citizenship-by-marriage with Switzerland but Obama likely has multiple citizenships (Indonesia, Kenya) he has used at times for his own advantage.
But there are some lingering questions/issues. You get the feeling of, "What are they trying to hide?"
I lived in Indonesia until May 2002. Went to high school there and everything. But I went to an international school, rather than an Indonesian one. And this is significant because, Indonesia only allowed you to attend Indonesian schools if you were an Indonesian citizen. And they did not allow dual citizenship with the United States. That has since changed, but prior to '02, you had to pick one. And we know that Obama went to an Indonesian school. Now, I have no doubt that somebody was paid something to allow Obama to attend the school he did (which is an entirely normal thing in Indonesia), but I've always been surprised that the Birther movement didn't push harder in this direction.
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No, I don't think that can ever happen. I don't want someone acting as an agent for say, Iran or China or any of our enemies being elected to the highest office in our country (and at this point, the most powerful position in the world) and then destroying the USA from within. Not to say that couldn't happen via a natural-born U.S. citizen, but its far more likely to happen with someone born and raised overseas.
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