
Oct 22, 2011 12:31

So, last night was dinner with friends, followed by drinks/shisha and then a tsundere movie with the housemate. A very pleasant celebration all around. I broke out the usual harebrained scheme for world domination. This time it involved shlepping Jerusalem to the moon and hostile takeover of ASEAN once it's fully formed, i.e. common currency, ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

merle_ October 22 2011, 20:24:09 UTC
That's all I want or expect out of life, and it's working out well. Whatever is left over goes to tips or charity or savings. Heck, yesterday I went down to the park near where I live, poured some peanuts into my hand for squirrels, leaned back, and napped. Not as exciting as the days when I went clubbing but it was peaceful and nice after a long week at work.


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