
Sep 12, 2005 23:53

Today I went to observe an aikido class. Someone else showed up to observe, only she wanted to actually try it out, so I ended up trying it out, too ( Read more... )

martial arts, exercise, doula

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Comments 7

dempcat September 13 2005, 15:55:42 UTC
I have a friend who took aikido and really liked it as opposed to other martial arts he'd tried. I couldn't tell you why though o.o


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therealocelot September 14 2005, 15:53:16 UTC
Oh, I know plenty myself. I don't mean they *can't* overlap, just that they aren't encouraged to overlap in our society as a whole, and it is hard to avoid internalizing the concept.


telemicus September 14 2005, 15:00:00 UTC
It is interesting what you say about the 3 yrs separation - I had that too with my siblings and spent a lot of my childhood filled with jealous rage and plotting their demise! I minored in child development and found research that said the best way for lots of measures of both child success in life and of healthy sibling relationships was (best) to either have 2 kids right after each other (which was my masterplan but now there is just no way, financially) so that kid 1 doesn't get old enough to get know life as an only child, or (second best) leave at least 4 yrs between them so kid 1 is old enough to reason and be included as a helper with kid 2. (This is now our back up plan)
I really strongly believe in this research!


therealocelot September 14 2005, 15:51:36 UTC
Just out of curiosity, how close is "right after eachother"? With Leif, I didn't get my period back until 9 months, so (barring prematurity), 18 months would have been a minimum separation. Christof and I joke frequently about not breastfeeding in order to get my period back faster so we can have seven kids under five, but in reality I'm not willing to do that, and pretty sure it wouldn't be the healthiest thing for me to get pregnant sooner than 9 months or a year regardless.

We would like to have two kids relatively close together, but since that obviously isn't happening with Leif, we'll have to see what happens with the next one.


telemicus September 20 2005, 01:47:09 UTC
The more I read about pregnancy the more I see how physiologically unhealthy it is for a mother to have two kids one right after the other, so yes, it's a trade off. Obviously, best of all (from a preventing-jealous pov) would be twins. But you have to balance financial and health issues against psychological health of the sibling relationships. For me, we'll need to wait years before we can make another bairn, for $ reasons and my blood problems :(


essara_lemuroid September 20 2005, 07:47:33 UTC
Wow, you're going to train to be a volunteer doula? I'm so in awe...
I had briefly toyed with the idea of becoming a doula when I was pregnant, but my random squeamishness would be a major hinderance.
Anyway, I gave birth at the birthing center here in Davis and had 2 wonderful doulas - they were amazing, couldn't have done it without them. (Ok, obviously not true, would have had to have an epidural if they hadn't been there).

So you guys are already planning to have another baby? I'm a little jealous. B is *adamantly* against having another, but I very much want to.


therealocelot September 21 2005, 05:26:39 UTC
Well, now I've done the training - the class was last Saturday. I don't know how I'll do with the blood and gore aspect. It doesn't bother me intellectually, but it's also not something I've had a lot of experience with.

koyote is actually more hyped about the idea of having another kid than I am. Even though both of us feel a three year separation isn't ideal, he'd be happy if I got pregnant today, while I'm feeling like I'm finally getting some of myself back and am really not ready yet. We both like the idea of having three kids, though.


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