Good evening!
The Second Chance Idol sign-up sheet is "officially closed", but I have decided to unofficially still accept people until the Week 1 deadline. Mostly because I forgot to give one piece of crucial information, something that no one actually asked me, which is why I forgot to say it.
Unlike previous years, this Second Chance is *just the people who sign up*. If you are eliminated from the main competition, you *are eliminated* and will (hopefully) join the ranks of the Home Game.
It's going to be a pre-determined amount of weeks, and whoever is left standing at the end of it will join the main competition. No revolving door. No strategic decisions on if to advance or not into the main competition during the course of it. No byes. Just a short fight, followed by joining the long struggle.
With that in mind, if people want to sign up we will continue to accept them until the deadline for the Topic 1 entry, listed below.
As for the topic itself, there really could have been only one choice for this. To me at any rate.
This is your shot at a comeback. This is your shot at redemption.
Which is why your topic is
Not Throwing Away My Shot
Post the links to your entries (and only those, comments should go to the daily Green Room or the Work Room in this thread.
The deadline to link your entries here is Monday, March 6th at 7pm EST!
Have fun!