Vote - Week 2

Dec 04, 2016 18:47

A few words from clauderainsrm:

We all have “that one friend”, which is why that was the launching point for inspiration this week. It’s something that everyone can relate to, well, those with friends at least. ;)

There are quite a few byes, which is going to make things interesting over the next couple of weeks but the advantage of it, is that it gives everyone a little more time to read!

I’m giving you a little more time anyway.

We will be losing 1 contestant from each tribe. (the ones with the fewest votes - so make sure to read, comment and vote to keep your favorites in this thing!)

The polls close on Thursday, Dec 8th at 9pm EST.

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol - Season 10 - Week 2 - Tribe 1

Poll LJ Idol - Season 10 - Week 2 - Tribe 2

voting, week 2, season 10

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