Idol Minor - The Playground - Week 3 - Day 4

Jun 01, 2015 11:25

On the home front, we are starting "exam week", which means that I have been spending a lot of time going over the "History of the Ancient World" as well as the first part of American History ( Read more... )

idol minor, day 04, week 3, playground, season 1

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Comments 2

anyonesghost June 1 2015, 16:09:53 UTC
Apologies for falling off the map, had a bit of a long month there ... hope everyone's doing well!

I've never been good at math - it always took more work than I was willing to put into it. (I muddled my way through college calculus.) And nowadays math and physics just bounce right off of me. Of course, if I applied myself, that might be different?

In real life, I actually lecture classes on computer nerd things, so I'd like to think I'm good at that. :-) There's that writing thing, too: been practicing that. And I think I still have a good grasp of biology, though I'm sure genetics is a bit more advanced than when I was in high school ...


i_love_freddie June 1 2015, 18:11:46 UTC
My 'subject' is English Literature - specifically things like Shakespeare, which I have studied and analysed at degree level. I don't know how many times I have had to help younger siblings out!


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