Green Room - Week 40 - Day 2

Mar 04, 2015 10:33

Today may be "D-Day" for the job ( Read more... )

week 40, green room, season 9, day 02

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Comments 189

kathrynrose March 4 2015, 15:46:34 UTC
Who would have ever guessed that the guy who has spent 9 years of his life running an online writing competition *on Livejournal* would be "change-adverse".


Also first.]

Also, the high here is going to be 69, then we're going to have a thunderstorm that turns into sleet and snow and the low will be 29. I have charged my phone and my kindle, so that the electricity gods will look kindly upon my continued service.


clauderainsrm March 4 2015, 16:07:00 UTC
That occurred to me last night when I was reflect back on this place and Idol.

I think "spending 9 years running a competition on Livejournal" pretty much defines "change-adverse".


lrig_rorrim March 4 2015, 19:17:34 UTC
Yiiiiiiikes. Stay warm down there!


dmousey March 4 2015, 22:17:07 UTC
Where are you at Kathryn? It sounds almost exact to ours, just make it 59° to 19°. Am located on the penninsula in Jersey. Winds are supposed to be nasty..I carrged everything just in case too. :)


halfshellvenus March 4 2015, 16:07:21 UTC
Wishing you luck today...


clauderainsrm March 4 2015, 16:24:53 UTC

I'm not 100% sure what "luck" ultimately is in this situation. But thanks! ;)


gratefuladdict March 4 2015, 16:29:13 UTC
Good luck today!!! The great thing is that not only are you less change-averse than you once were - but you have an incredible support system today that should make new changes easier than they would have been a few years ago.


clauderainsrm March 4 2015, 16:40:42 UTC
A few years ago, I would have starved. ;)

Now, I definitely have a support system. Of course, that also means that I really want to make them proud.


gratefuladdict March 4 2015, 16:41:17 UTC
I have a feeling that you already do. :)


kathrynrose March 4 2015, 17:33:19 UTC
Where the hell is everyone? Here I am in the mood to have a conversation and ::crickets::

Makes me want to stir some shit.


clauderainsrm March 4 2015, 17:42:20 UTC
I know.

I should have said something controversial.


ryl March 4 2015, 18:28:18 UTC
Post a spreadsheet. That usually gets everyone out of the woodwork. ;)


kathrynrose March 4 2015, 18:50:38 UTC

Don't tempt me.

Also, the dress was gold and white.
And toilet paper should always go over instead of under.
The side dish that is baked inside a Thanksgiving turkey is called DRESSING, not stuffing.

Stop me before I get political or bring up fanfic.


murielle March 4 2015, 17:36:11 UTC
Best wishes. Wishing you what is best. :-)


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