Home Game - Week 39

Feb 24, 2015 09:42

If you have ever thought "Hey, I should Home Game for LJ Idol!" - this is the perfect time!


Because we are near the end of the season, and our current "Entries created for LJ Idol" stands at 19,915 - only 85 entries to go until we are celebrating our 20,000th!!

So get in on the action!

This week's topic is Gambler's FallacyJust link your ( Read more... )

entry count, home game, season 9, week 39

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Comments 2

First time participant amphigori February 25 2015, 10:22:40 UTC
Not entirely sure what I'm doing, or if I've done it right, but I was encouraged to give it a go, so here goes! Let me know if I've done this wrong! Hopefully you can read it OK!



more- Devil's Gauntlet dmousey February 26 2015, 03:23:05 UTC

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