Green Room - Week 35 - Day 1

Jan 27, 2015 10:21

One of the challenges of putting together a mini-season is doing whatever you can to make sure that it doesn't just become the playground for a group of friends ( Read more... )

green room, day 01, season 9, week 35

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Comments 71

suesniffsglue January 27 2015, 15:45:31 UTC
I'll be the first to admit that not interacting with Idol participants outside of Idol is a source of worry for me. Not that I'm EVER one of the cool kids anywhere I go ;) But my job leaves me without a computer for the majority of the day, and my evenings are usually tied up with life necessities, and I just barely seem to scrape by getting entries posted. I wish I was more interactive. I worry that it's going to bite me in the butt!

At the same time, I'm so thankful to still be here. I did not expect to make it this far, and I'm thrilled to be among such a talented group of people. I can honestly say I didn't read a single entry this past week that I didn't enjoy.


roina_arwen January 27 2015, 16:16:30 UTC
So what do you do for a job that you don't have computer access during the majority of the day?


suesniffsglue January 27 2015, 16:22:07 UTC
I'm a therapist. Right now, I'm in the office with a little time to kill between clients, so it's nice when that happens! But I also work at a school one day a week, and in an office with most social sites blocked a few other days. I do in-home work too, so a big portion of my day is driving around and being in people's homes. I usually work til about 7 or 8 and I'm just so whooped by the end of it!


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 16:26:55 UTC
It's a shame you aren't online more - most of Idol needs a good therapist! ;)


roina_arwen January 27 2015, 16:15:38 UTC
I'm really eager to see what you come up with for the mini season, Gary! :)


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 19:31:03 UTC
Me too. :)

Enjoying what I have so far.


xo_kizzy_xo January 27 2015, 16:34:55 UTC
I started to watch the last season of Survivor and I ended up bailing because Real Life decided to intrude on my Wednesdays. I also bailed on Top Chef :/

But yeah, when one alliance pulls through all the way people may applaud the tactics used to maintain said alliance but it leaves everyone else, whether player or viewer, in the lurch. I don't remember her name (Gary, you'd know this), but the girl who swept Survivor a few seasons ago with an all-female alliance who picked off every male? Wonderful tactical game on her end but nothing else. No surprises because none of the other girls wanted to ally against her. No tension, no drama, nothing. People hold her as one of the best Survivor winners of all time. That's true, but...well, you know?

I think this blizzard is getting to me. We're snowed in except for the front door. Our street still hasn't been plowed since last night. The housemate who was called into work ended up not having to work. It was an adventure driving home!


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 16:37:38 UTC
Kim Spradlin.

She is a machine.

She made everyone think "I want to go to the end with my friend Kim!" and so no one made a move to take her out.


xo_kizzy_xo January 27 2015, 16:42:12 UTC
Machine, that's it. I remember her plowing right through everybody and making everyone think she was their best friend :nodding:

But you have to admit that watching a machine week after week isn't too terribly exciting after awhile. She reminded me of myself at work but I'm paid to be a machine cranking out all sorts of goodies. I'm sure someone watching me week after week wouldn't be terribly exciting.


pixiebelle January 28 2015, 04:55:52 UTC
I loved Kim. As viewers, we knew she was a strategic genius, but those playing with her thought they were in control. If I ever played in Survivor, she'd be one to emulate, but man, that's a tough line to walk.

She did it well though, and totally deserved that win.


gratefuladdict January 27 2015, 16:49:02 UTC
I thought this last season of Survivor was pretty disappointing. The contestants I liked best didn't last too long, and there was an awful lot of whinging.

That said, I was happy with the winner and their rampage of revenge!


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 16:52:29 UTC
"there was a lot of whinging"

You would think they were being told they would have to compete against each other. ;)


gratefuladdict January 27 2015, 16:55:00 UTC
You would think they all had to live with Baylor and Missy for 39 days!


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 16:59:45 UTC
Have you seen #JustShowUp ???


gratefuladdict January 27 2015, 17:07:46 UTC
Also, this commentary seems very timely after watching the polls yesterday.


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 17:55:24 UTC
From *my* angle, there are a lot of interesting stories that came out of yesterday's poll.

#group1 #group2 #subgroups #betrayal #murder #getyourpopcornready

I wonder how they are going to play out.


gratefuladdict January 27 2015, 17:59:15 UTC
Betrayal and murder? See what I miss, sitting in the cheap seats?

I did see a couple rounds of votes being taken away from a few people and then given to someone else instead, but I interpreted those as calculated moves to save someone in danger rather than betray others.


clauderainsrm January 27 2015, 18:06:09 UTC
That's just me being dramatic. :D


Of course, calculated moves *do* reveal who someone wants to see stick around. Then again, doesn't every vote?


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