Green Room - Week 30 - Day 8

Dec 10, 2014 10:37

Some days, it just takes one comment for everything to dovetail right into each other, and make a lot of things snap into place mentally for you ( Read more... )

day 08, green room, season 9, week 30

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Comments 44

rattsu December 10 2014, 17:58:58 UTC
Maybe I should try to do some concrit tonight between laundry... I've been feeling too bloody self-conscious to do it because I don't want to piss people off and have been worried that maybe my tone will be wrong.


crackpotpie December 10 2014, 18:27:53 UTC
Yeah, I kind of have the same problem. Who am I to judge somebody else's writing?


kickthehobbit December 10 2014, 19:05:12 UTC
You're another writer! :)

We can't really learn in this except from each other. Remember not to phrase it as though it's the Word of God, and you'll be fine. :)


roina_arwen December 10 2014, 21:47:17 UTC
But what if it IS the Word of God???? You just don't know...


roina_arwen December 10 2014, 18:54:51 UTC
YAY t-shirt! I ordered one in purple, and shared the link for the shirt on my Facebook so hopefully you'll get the requisite 10 ordered (I think mine was the fifth). W00t!


clauderainsrm December 11 2014, 03:45:40 UTC
We're pretty close to getting the 10!

Yeah, this is going to happen.

I need to order myself one once I get paid!


beldar December 10 2014, 19:07:15 UTC
Will be getting that T-shirt on my next payday! (which is before the 20 days are up, so that should be OK)


dmousey December 10 2014, 22:40:17 UTC
Thank you sir, and everyone else, who answered my post about not feeling qualified to 'concrit' someone's work.

I can always offer an opinion though, as many of you have reminded me.

Different perceptions and outlooks on a piece are always a good thing for growth. I do feel intimidated by the caliber of writer in LJI, but that only serves to make me want to learn more about the process and work harder.

On the subject of tone and sensitivity towards critiquing another's piece, I look at it this way:

I have had no creative or formal classes in writing other than books (which was an addiction in itself, the library was my best friend)

It takes me days to write a piece and then more time to tweak. I don't have the luxury of spellcheck or (lord knows I need it) punctuation check. I take all this into account and then figure others might not either. It has a tendency to make me be compassionate toward, and give a kind comment on, everyone's piece ( ... )


roina_arwen December 10 2014, 22:52:54 UTC
It takes me days to write a piece, too, you're not the only one! Often, I come up with An Idea, then do ridiculous amounts of research on Wikipedia for any facts or info that I *might* need to write it, use maybe 5-10% of the info in the piece itself, and chalk the rest up to "Well, maybe I learned something," LOL.

Also, while spellcheck is good for obvious misspellings, it has its limitations, too.

Of course, I'm often editing while typing it up, then posting it in my journal, re-read, make minor edits, re-read, tweak a bit more, then decide, "Okay, I'm done now," usually around 2:00 AM, heh.

All hail the mighty glowstick!


dmousey December 11 2014, 02:06:26 UTC
Empathy, that's the word I've been looking for! We should strive for that. Plus the responsibility doesn't just lay on the critiquers shoulders, the writer has to realize the critique is of the piece... not the person! It's hard for us writerly types to remember that.

I love wikipedia! I do the same thing Ro! :)


roina_arwen December 10 2014, 22:48:08 UTC
Also, commentary on our Week 30 entries has been awfully low - I think everyone has been busy busy busy in The Killing Floor!

Gary, can you link up the Topic Thread post in the next GR, so folks remember where they can go to read the entries for this week? I don't know about anyone else, but I still enjoy commentary!


alycewilson December 10 2014, 23:17:17 UTC
So it's not just my entry, then? I thought that perhaps they just didn't like it!


roina_arwen December 11 2014, 00:26:43 UTC
I've been going through the Topic thread and have read maybe half of the entries so far and many only have two or three comments on them, which I think is a shame! So no, it's not just you.


dmousey December 11 2014, 02:09:47 UTC
I thought perhaps we weren't supposed to comment! LOL Newb moment!

Can I coin that phrase?


alycewilson December 10 2014, 23:16:30 UTC
I ordered one. Now I can say that I competed in LJ Idol and I have the T-shirt!


clauderainsrm December 11 2014, 03:47:23 UTC
"All I got was this t-shirt... and this mental breakdown!"


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