Vote - Last Chance Idol, Week 3

Oct 13, 2014 22:00

A few words from clauderainsrm:

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the poll.

And what a poll it is!

We had a drop from lapis_lazuli615
and a few people missed the deadline, self-eliminating in the process: az-starshine, belenen, grail76, lawchicky and lostin_thestars

There’s not a single one of those people who aren’t awesome. For my own sake, I’m definitely going to missing them - and I know that I’m not alone.

For those remaining in the poll though, things have just got a little more intense. Because 5 contestants are going to be given the opportunity to move forward to the main competition, and the 4 lowest are going to be eliminated.

The poll closes Thursday, October 16th at 9pm EDT So make sure to get out there - read, comment and vote for your favorites to stay in the hunt, and maybe get a shot at getting back into the Big Show itself!

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol, Season Nine, Last Chance Idol - Week 3

voting, week 3, season 9, last chance idol

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