Voting - Week 32

Jul 02, 2012 23:01

A few words from clauderainsrm:

Following what could very well go down as one of the single most transformative extended weekend of my life - so far - we are back in the saddle of Idol, and getting back down to the business of the business-at-hand. Mainly, getting rid of these deadbeats reading entries and voting for our favorites!

With 22 people left in the competition, and a special run-off going on between two of them, I don’t suppose anyone will be surprised to know that there is definitely NOT going to be a “special voting round”. It’s business-as-usual!

The contestant with the lowest vote total will be eliminated in the run-off, and in the main competition poll, we will be losing the bottom three!

With immunity hanging around, out there, (as awarded by the Jury) and as tight as things have been getting, this should be a pretty major week!

But then, isn’t it always?

The poll will be closing Thursday, July 5th at 9pm EDT

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol, Season Eight, Week Thirty-Two - Tie-Breaker

Poll LJ Idol, Season Eight, Week Thirty-Two

voting, season 8, week 32

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