Vote - Week 9

Jan 09, 2012 18:57

It's well after Christmas, but this week in Idol has a "Good List" and a "Bad List".

Or rather to the point, two bad lists - the lists of contestants who dropped out before the deadline and those who have officially ran out of runway and byed out.
Those bad lists are absolutely tragic to read.

But then, they always are. It's why we play this, to see who can go the distance. Sometimes life has other plans for people, and will trip them up every single time.

Those leaving us this week are:

bakerlooline. cacophonesque, dakotawitch, fourzoas, irishrosedkm, purple_drake, rhetoricians, soprano1790, sunnyrai and vampedvixen

Thank you to all of you who came out this season and helped make it special. I hope that once whatever it is that is going on (some I know, others I have no idea what happened to you) that you will show up and play the Home Game! Definitely a lot of talent leaving us this week.

The good news of that, is that there is a ton of talent left in the competition!!

This week was all about being counterintuitive, and from what I've seen this week, they did a really good job at it!

By now, people know me. Especially veterans. We are coming off a break, and there were bound to be a high number of drops and bye outs. Just like I like to bring the writers back up to speed, after a break like that, I'd usually go with a friends only vote in order to get people back into the community, to boost interest.

That's just the sort of move that I would make.

Which is why this week is CONTESTANT ONLY.

For those who have never participated in a contestant only vote before, it's pretty straight forward:

Read the entries. Make a list of the contestants you want to cast a vote for- and send that vote via email to me, with your user name so I can keep track, at

You must be a current contestant in order to vote this round!

There is always a person or three who gets confused at this - so I'll break it down, if there was a poll this week, would your name be on the poll?
Yes? You can vote this week.
No? You are not a current contestant and can not vote this week.

Vote for your favorites - for this week there are no tribes. The contestants with the lowest overall vote totals will be eliminated.
How many? At least 5 and as many as 10. (it depends where the break in the voting is) So don't sit around - get out there and read!!

The deadline for sending me your votes is Thursday Jan 12th at 9pm EST

Good luck to everyone!

No, I didn't forget the "Good List". ;) Those are the contestants currently possessing bouncing immunity, to give to someone else. In case you forgot, those individuals are:

lynxypoo (2 of them!)

If you are on this list, please get me your picks for immunity one hour before the deadline for the poll. Thanks!
Considering that you can't see how anyone is doing at any time during this period, it should make bouncing immunity even more interesting! :D

voting, week 9, season 8

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