Vote - Week 6

Dec 11, 2010 18:13

A few words from clauderainsrm:

Here we are again.

Poll time!

Before we get to the fun, (Or "fun". Or whatever you want to call it.) we have the sad business of saying goodbye.

That real life monster goes on a tear during the holidays. This week is no exception:




and zehlyah

Thank you to all of you for playing, and I hope that when you get the time we will see you around the Home Game, and in the Green Room.

But right now, we need to deal with people who *don't* want to do that - they want to continue in the competition!

People have been clamoring for a reshuffling of the tribes - and fortunately that is exactly what happened this week!!

That's right - based on everyone's performance during the last couple weeks, if they qualified, people were moved into the next higher numbered tribe! Congratulations! That's what you wanted, right? :)

As usual, the entry with the lowest votes in each tribe will cause that contestant to be eliminated. Which means make sure to get out, read the entries (because there is A LOT of fun stuff out there!!! The topic was "Not Of Your World" - and they certainly proved that they really aren't! :P), comment, and of course vote for the ones that you think deserve your support!

The poll will close Tuesday Dec 14th at 9pm EST. So get to reading!!

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six, Tribe 1

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six , Tribe 2

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six, Tribe 3

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six, Tribe 4

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six, Tribe 5

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six, Tribe 6

Poll LJ Idol, Season Seven, Week Six, Tribe 7

voting, season 7, week 6

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