Voting - Week 8

Dec 20, 2009 18:26

A few words from clauderainsrm:

As we get closer to the end of the calendar year, as well as closer to our (numbers-wise) half way point in the competition, let's pause for a moment to reflect on all of the wonderful things that have come into our lives. . .

OK. Pause is over. Let's get to a poll! :)

The topic this week was "Reprobate".

We will be losing the bottom vote-getters from each tribe. So make sure to support your favorite entries, and let other people know that they should be reading them as well! Considering how close some of these votes have been lately, one more person reading the entry could be the difference between continuing and going home.

The polls closes Wednesday December 23rd at 8pm EST. So don't be a Reprobate - make sure to give someone a Very Idol Christmas, instead of some coal...

Poll LJ Idol, Season Six – Tribe Fleeceblankie's Apathy, Week Eight

Poll LJ Idol, Season Six – Tribe Lynxypoo's Bye, Week Eight

Poll LJ Idol, Season Six – Tribe Oldscratchx's Sexual, Week Eight

Poll LJ Idol, Season Six – Tribe Photodiva02's Beauty, Week Eight

Poll LJ Idol, Season Six – Tribe Pixie117's Current, Week Eight

voting, season 6, week 8

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