Voting - Week 4

Nov 14, 2009 21:37

A few words from clauderainsrm:

Each decision we make takes us to the next page. Closer and closer to the end of the book.

Will you open the door and see what is inside or go back out and wait for the others?

Will you ask the stranger for directions or find your own way on foot?

It's Choose Your Own Adventure Time, and I think it's fair to say that this week there was plenty of "adventure".

Five different topics. Which, as per usual, is how the tribes have been reshuffled.

Some tribes are going to be huge. Others tiny. There is an advantage and disadvantage in each.

But for this week, that is how they look. There is an extra tribe for the "byes" this time around. Just to show how one slip, and one decision, could very well change the change the fate of the season entirely.

One open door. One question asked.

One vote cast.

Maybe that vote is going to be yours.

The bottom vote getter in each tribe (except "the bye week tribe" of course) will be eliminated.

Voting closes Tuesday November 17th at 8 pm EST
Good luck to everyone!

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