Topic 2

Oct 26, 2009 22:10

Kids today. They think they know topics.

Back in my day, we knew topics. We knew all sorts of things.

That's because we had to do it

Uphill, both ways, barefoot

As always, take the topic and make it your own. Have fun. That's what it's all about, right?

The deadline to link your entry back to this post is Friday, October 30th at 9pm EST.
Note: Reminder: This thread is to be used for TOPIC LINK ONLY. All comments should go to the Green Room or the individual's LJ. Thanks!)

Reminder: For Folks who might want to use one of their two BYEs (again - screen reader folks, that's B-Y-E !) to skip this week, for whatever reason, just need to leave a message here saying "taking the bye" or "bye week" so that I will be able to mark it on the polls in time. If you miss the deadline you will automatically be listed as taking a "bye". But try to remember to post it!)
Reminder Part the Third: If you CHANGE YOUR ENTRY between the time you post it and poll time - LET ME KNOW. You can email me via LJ or That way I can make sure that the updated version of the link is the one that goes up!

What are you sitting around for? Go get writing and get the hell off my lawn!!!

week 2, season 6, topic

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