Green Room - Week 2 - Weekend Edition

Feb 25, 2022 11:31

Sure, it's Friday, but it's close enough to call this a "Weekend Edition ( Read more... )

weekend edition, 3 strikes, green room, week 2

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Comments 14

baxaphobia February 25 2022, 17:12:04 UTC
Gary, if you could bring peace to the world,I'd definitely support you!

We're starting to wind down from the snowstorm here in my corner of Massachusetts. I'm not quite sure how much we got.

My weekend will be fun. Friends will be coming to visit on Sunday and staying until Monday afternoon. The house will be chaos as they are bringing their 2 dogs. So their 2 plus my 3 will be crazy!

Hope all are well!


clauderainsrm February 25 2022, 17:31:01 UTC
To be fair, it's peace by stomping out my enemies and ruling with an iron fist. But still, it's peace! :)


baxaphobia February 25 2022, 18:13:48 UTC
Depends on who the enemies would be! Smile.


roina_arwen February 25 2022, 17:18:47 UTC
No particular plans for the weekend, just chilling. Laundry for sure, and probably watching a movie or two.

I’ve read and voted, so now I can just sit back and watch the poll. Huzzah!


adoptedwriter February 25 2022, 18:40:14 UTC
Interesting article. Somehow these regular folks need to create a revolution. That’s the best bet to stop the evil.


r3ckless_blues February 26 2022, 04:07:34 UTC

Calling my relatives in Eastern Europe, mostly. Everybody is scared, my friend is mildly considering taking his family out of Poland because he thinks that if the Russian government gets away with it, Poles are next. At very least they will come for Georgia and Belarus, I think.

I'm touched by the people who are crying out in protest, and by the governments who are generously opening their borders and trying to get as many refugees over them as humanly possible. Slavs (and Tatars and so on) everywhere are grateful.


r3ckless_blues February 26 2022, 04:08:02 UTC

(Also, I don't know how the LJ app works, so sorry for randomly replying to your comment)


pixiebelle February 25 2022, 19:26:28 UTC
I just feel so helpless about what’s going on in Ukraine right now. I don’t even know if I have the words to talk about it properly. They’re in my thoughts though, as useless as that is.

Weekend plans? Nothing planned thankfully. I start radiation on Monday and have to get up really early all freaking week. I’m not a morning person. Hopefully in future weeks, I can request afternoons. So I’ll be taking it easy this weekend in preparation of that.


beautyofgrey February 25 2022, 21:21:35 UTC
What is happening in Ukraine right now is really hurting my heart, and the helplessness I stinks.

I am doing some volunteering at a local farm animal refuge this weekend - helping to build houses that will be future homes for cows rescued from the agriculture industry (hoarding cases, backyard butcheries, and the like). Maybe it will be one small way to put some goodness out into the world.


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