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Comments 12

pixiebelle August 20 2020, 14:38:26 UTC
I recently had to go through everything I owned and condense it to three suitcases. Sooo many boxes of memories. I had a box of just sentimental stuff I kept over the years - things that I couldn’t part with even if I couldn’t explain why. As I went through it, it was weird - a lot of the early stuff (things from my ex husband, for instance) didn’t even resonate with me anymore. At one time in my life, I thought it was too valuable to toss and suddenly, I found myself doing just that - tossing it and wondering why I had kept it all these years. I had sentimental items from high school still. Things that moved with me multiple times - from MO to SC back to MO then to CA. Very little of it made it to France. Things that were once so cherished by me that I moved them all over the country and from multiple homes over 15-20 years ended up in a trash or recycling bin in Long Beach, California.


xo_kizzy_xo August 20 2020, 15:02:21 UTC
SO still has unpacked boxes left over from before we married. They're still untouched down in the basement. But god forbid I should lay a hand on them.


pixiebelle August 20 2020, 15:15:39 UTC
That’s what these boxes were like, and had I not moved internationally, I probably would have had them until I passed away (hopefully of old age). I was surprised at what I had kept too - scripts from plays I was in during high school, tickets to events I went to in my 20s, Mardi Gras beads with an interesting college story lol

I’d have held on to it all if I could have. I love things like that.


xo_kizzy_xo August 20 2020, 15:00:43 UTC
Oh dear, SO struggles with this because he's lost so many possessions between out of state moves. He's so petrified of what he calls "losing his memories" that he tends to hoard things that obviously no longer have a place nor function in his current life. Never mind that, but when he starts on ME purging MY OWN STUFF or my mother's, he expects me to be the same way. Nope, I'm at the "clean out the nest" stage that scares the hell out of him because it's a signal that yes, I'm entering cronehood where I no longer give any f*cks.

Whew, didn't mean for that to be an essay but it's a very sore point with me.


pixiebelle August 20 2020, 15:17:33 UTC
I’m normally like your husband, but when I decide to purge something, I don’t regret it. My ex-husband would always argue with me that I needed to keep everything. Like I had a box with my middle school boyfriend’s letters in it and I told my mom to trash it - my ex threw a fit.

I’m sentimental... until I’m not. Then it all goes lol


xo_kizzy_xo August 20 2020, 15:32:26 UTC
I guess I'm not as sentimental as I once thought I was, perhaps? I mean, our attic is full of my old college textbooks, stuffed animals, a dollhouse my mother made for me, clothes I'll never wear again, some furniture left over from my grandparents' house, but it's not like I go up there and relive moments. I can look at a certain dress and say, oh yes, I wore that back when I taught X grade, but that's about it. I no longer have any use for it but it's still there because I'm too lazy to actually start purging :p


pixiebelle August 20 2020, 15:49:38 UTC
I’m getting less sentimental about objects with age (and possibly working through my OCD/hoarding issues). I’m still sentimental, but I took photos of things that I’d like to remember while purging. Now I have a digital reminder that I can keep forever.

I kept things that are very important to me though - things like the piggy banks my dad bought me when I was a baby (one when I was born and it has a funny story), a quilt of my grandma’s that’s still in good shape, etc. Things with very deep, personal ties to me - things I keep out instead of tucked away, never to be seen. But things like cards from my ex-co-workers, etc... not as important and just a waste of space for what really matters.


me_sonrei August 20 2020, 22:23:35 UTC
I went through and purged things a couple of years ago. I think what's left in storage now are things that I don't have a place for (artwork and whatnot) that will get put out as soon as I have a house of my own (ability to make holes in the walls with impunity!)

Regarding Unknown Hinson -- I mean, literally anyone could have told him. Dolly Parton has a sterling reputation. If you're going to come for her, be prepared for the entire entertainment world to crush you.

The tantrum he threw afterward was just the cherry on the sundae. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


ryl August 20 2020, 23:30:34 UTC
Unknown Hinson. That name sounds familiar.

*googles it*

Oh, the guy from "Squidbillies!" What did he say about Dolly?

*googles it*


Yeah, you don't insult Dolly Parton. That woman is a living saint.


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