Green Room - Week 30 - Weekend Edition Part 2

Aug 16, 2020 18:19

I've spent my weekend reorganizing the house and moving my temporary desk from the dining room table to an actual desk in the office/guest room. Which means a lot of sorting through stuff/finding things that I had completely forgot existed and trips to the Goodwill ( Read more... )

part two, weekend edition, green room, week 30, season 11

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Comments 8

rayaso August 16 2020, 22:51:16 UTC
Baking, and not the good kind. We've been having a heat wave which won't end any time soon. I went outside this morning at 6:30 to get some exercise. It was already 85 degrees. Highs are around 105 - 110. I've been reading portfolios, and it's clear to see how writers made it this far.


roina_arwen August 16 2020, 23:11:01 UTC
Picked up a to-go order for brunch from Cracker Barrel earlier today. Other than doing a load of dishes, I’ve been chilling on the couch watching season 3 of “Younger” on Hulu.


kittenboo August 16 2020, 23:45:43 UTC
I’ve been with my parents, my brother and his family, and my aunt and uncle all weekend!

We haven’t seen each other since March! We all did various things to make this work some were able to get rapid Covid tests, others like me quarantined ourselves in order to make this trip happen. We all wanted to get together safely before school starts. And it’s been pretty awesome so far! Everyone goes home tomorrow. Fingers crossed we can do this again for Christmas!


halfshellvenus August 17 2020, 22:14:04 UTC
How neat! What a great way to make sure you can gather safely. :D

What states did the people who got the rapid COVID tests live in? Asking not for a friend...


kittenboo August 17 2020, 22:28:48 UTC
They live in Maine on the New Hampshire border. So one of those 2 states. It was the 24-48 hour test, they got results in less than 24. Had to go through their doctor to get it.


dadi August 17 2020, 07:35:31 UTC
Lots and LOTS of work on my vegetable patch. So so much weeding. And harvesting. And then cleaning and putting away the veggies. I love it but I was kind of exhausted at the end of the day :D


lyssa027 August 17 2020, 15:53:36 UTC
I vaccumed the house... now I KNOW that doesn't seem like a huge deal... but I am so lazy, especially on weekends, that it IS a big deal.


viagra August 17 2020, 16:26:11 UTC
That's why I'm so happy to have hardwood floors (even if they're in disrepair) throughout my house! All I have to do then is sweep (lord knows you won't catch me mopping more than once a year). Not that that prevents my house from sometimes looking like an old west movie, with tumbleweeds made of dog and cat fur flying around....


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