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Comments 8

karmasoup August 2 2020, 00:47:55 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's probably safe to say everyone's weekend plans involve writing our respective entries. :-/


dadi August 2 2020, 08:43:57 UTC
Writing our entries, what else ;) And wondering about your prophecies!


viagra August 2 2020, 11:51:42 UTC
Well, I'm sitting here watching "Chuck" right now based on karmasoup's recommendation. I had heard about it many times but never watched it or really knew what the premise was. I'm not even halfway into the first episode and I'm already interested. Plus the lead is pretty easy on the eyes, which I'm always a fan of.

I'll probably spend most of the day today doing chores since I actually did some mildly fun stuff yesterday (read: bought a candle and some bubble bath at the general store and got Tyler some tea buddies at the antique store). Then again, chores are boring, so I might just slack off and let things like "having groceries in the house" be a problem for Future Sean.

Future Sean is not really a big fan of me a lot of times.


clauderainsrm August 2 2020, 15:59:10 UTC
That's a great suggestion. Chuck was an really fun, and addictive, show!


kittenboo August 2 2020, 16:25:08 UTC
I recall the title but I don’t think I ever paid attention to it. No idea what it’s even about.


viagra August 3 2020, 12:03:04 UTC
Yeah, I'm three episodes in now and I'm really enjoying it! It sort of feels like if I had ended up wrapped up in international espionage when I was in my mid-20s. I like how they manage to make it funny and actiony exciting at the same time. :)


kittenboo August 2 2020, 16:27:35 UTC
Right now I should be doing chores. But when I finish chores I need to write. So I think doing nothing for the past couple hours is my way of avoiding writing.

I had a vague feeling about who would be in the top 3. But some of them are gone now. And I’m at a loss at this point. I feel like it could be anyone.


me_sonrei August 2 2020, 23:42:17 UTC
I spent the weekend actually getting enough sleep. :D

I got good news, too -- my coworker's COVID test came back negative, so I'm still in the clear! Phew. (Apart from work, I have not been anywhere or done anything with anyone outside my household since late February/early March, so you can imagine how furious I was at the idea that I had been exposed!)


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