Results - Week 27

Jul 23, 2020 21:19

From 9 contestants, we down go to 8.

This isn't going to be an easy process.

Even the Jury seemed to have a tough time of it - coming within two votes of a tie. But ultimately, they awarded immunity this week to BleodsweanCongratulations ( Read more... )

week 27, eliminations, season 11

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Comments 14

me_sonrei July 24 2020, 01:42:18 UTC
Thanks, Gary, for the kind words!

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to read my stuff and vote for me, week after week. I'm surprised and pleased to have made it to the top 10, and while I'd love to say I'm sad to be going home, there's a lot going on right now that has made finding time for Idol difficult, so I'm glad that I can fall on that sword (so to speak) and leave space for someone else :)

I'll be back for the next season on Dreamwidth, if nothing else. In the meantime, though, I'm going to take some time to relax before working on the latest project-in-progress. I'll definitely keep writing, though I can't promise I'll share it, and I wish everyone the best of luck going forward!


alycewilson July 24 2020, 02:22:21 UTC
I am so surprised at this outcome! Your piece this week was one of my favorites of yours this season. I hope you continue to write that sort of work.


me_sonrei July 24 2020, 02:42:37 UTC
Idol is unpredictable! I would never have guessed that you would be eliminated last week, for very similar reasons. Hard to know what people will or won't vote for! :)


halfshellvenus July 24 2020, 05:07:15 UTC
Oh no! My fellow mini-winner joins me in the Dead Pool!

Well, this was not what I expected. You've fought hard this season, and written SO many terrific stories, and you made it all look easy.

I think your stories would make a fantastic collection, unless you're planning a larger arc for a book at some point? Some point that's less stressful and not super-crazy?


bleodswean July 24 2020, 02:01:38 UTC

Thank you, esteemed jury!!! It was a fun piece to write so I’m jazzed to know it was received in the same vein! Thanks to roina for the inspiration!!


alycewilson July 24 2020, 02:22:54 UTC
It was fun! Congratulations!


roina_arwen July 24 2020, 02:51:34 UTC
Aww! You’re welcome! ❤️ I loved it!


d0gs July 24 2020, 06:50:41 UTC
I already said this but I am honestly so in love with the piece you wrote! (I want it as a horror movie to be honest!<3)


rayaso July 24 2020, 02:47:07 UTC
I am sorry to see you go, even though it sounds like you were getting very busy. For you, there's a silver lining. For the rest of us, we won't be seeing your writing, and there's no silver lining in that.


kittenboo July 24 2020, 02:58:58 UTC
It gets harder and harder to see the eliminations every week! And I’m really glad to have gotten to know your writing this season 😊


dadi July 24 2020, 08:08:29 UTC
As others have said, it gets really hard to loose people now. When you have been enjoying their entries for weeks and kind of been looking forward to what they will come up with a topic, knowing it will be something special, it really is a loss. Thank you for what you have given us up to now <3


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