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Comments 26

rayaso July 23 2020, 14:31:06 UTC
Not tragic? Our daughter told us last night that she will be visiting us in August. The rest is pretty normal, which I guess is not tragic these days. "Not tragic" is a pretty low bar, but I'll take it.


pixiebelle July 23 2020, 14:39:18 UTC
Not tragic? I finally have my cats in France with me. They’re doing so well too. They seem happy and they both are already friendly with Sevan - even Ozy, who is afraid of his own shadow (ironic considering his full name is Ozymandias).


kittenboo July 23 2020, 14:44:46 UTC
Great news!!!


pixiebelle July 23 2020, 15:16:59 UTC
Thank you! It’s been a long few months separated from them. I’m so happy they’re here with me now.


bleodswean July 23 2020, 15:07:43 UTC
That's fantastic news! How long was the quarantine? I know back in the 80's we opted out of bringing our dog because we knew he couldn't survive the four-month quarantine without us. So he stayed with my grandparents.


viagra July 23 2020, 14:54:05 UTC
I feel like most of my life right now is not tragic, or rather, not tragic enough. There are a lot of things I'm not particularly happy about right now, but they aren't really bad enough to warrant stepping outside my bubble of complacency ( ... )


roina_arwen July 23 2020, 16:20:55 UTC
Aww! That’s great news!

(FYI this icon is of me when I was three!)


karmasoup July 23 2020, 21:13:40 UTC
Baay-BEE!!! BAAAAAAYYY-BEEE! Baby!!! Do it, do it, DO it!!! XD


lyssa027 July 23 2020, 15:20:12 UTC
Hmmm not tragic?

I haven't killed the sunflowers I planted back in May yet, and some of them look like they might be ready to bloom. That's the furthest I've ever gone without accidentally murdering plants with my black thumb aside from my cacti garden.


roina_arwen July 23 2020, 16:24:16 UTC
I have to admit that a) I too have a black thumb, and b) sunflowers are pretty in photos but I don’t much like them in real life - flowers should NOT be as tall or taller than human beings! It makes me nervous, lol!

(Hey bleodswean, there’s another idea for you - carnivorous sunflowers! You’re welcome!)


xlovebecomesher July 23 2020, 15:35:54 UTC
My 2 week old son is quite adorable, cuddly, and he has already gained a pound!


flipflop_diva July 23 2020, 16:11:17 UTC
Yay, way to go, little guy! And Mama, since you're the one who feeds him!


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