Green Room - Week 27 - Weekend Edition

Jul 19, 2020 15:59

Tonight is the deadline, and there is only 1 entry in so far. That's pretty insane -

Hopefully everyone is working on finishing it up.


I was looking over the week totals and realized that halfshellvenus is now in the lead with 182 weeks ( Read more... )

weekend edition, week 27, green room, season 11

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Comments 15

bleodswean July 19 2020, 20:06:57 UTC
CONGRATS to those three voracious writers!!! Mightily impressive!!! 200 club!


halfshellvenus July 21 2020, 17:52:22 UTC
It's looming ahead. Only 18 weeks of blood, sweat and tears away... :O


bleodswean July 19 2020, 20:07:23 UTC
I've never begged for an extension before, but I would gladly take one this week....


kittenboo July 19 2020, 20:09:57 UTC
I wrote my entry last night, editing it right now!

Also congrats to those racing to 200! One or all three should have it during the next idol, I’d imagine!

I believe I was at 100 coming in to this season, so I have a ways to go yet!


halfshellvenus July 21 2020, 17:53:38 UTC
Thank you!

It's hard to believe I've around this long. Season 8 doesn't seem that long ago, but a lot of years have gone by since then. :O


hangedkay July 19 2020, 20:16:42 UTC
For those interested in something to read while awaiting the rest of the entries, my home game entry is up. It likely won't compare, but it may keep you occupied.


rayaso July 19 2020, 20:22:17 UTC
Congratulations to halfshellvenus! And congratulations to roina_arwen and emo_snall as well. All three have gotten to this point by consistently writing such wonderful entries. It's a race to 200!


halfshellvenus July 21 2020, 17:56:31 UTC
Thank you!

Both Ro and Kris were veterans by the time I showed up, but maybe not that much earlier than me? I know the earlier seasons used to be much, much shorter, so one regular season might have added up to mini-season weeks nowadays.

I can almost glimpse 200, but the pain involved. The PAIN!!


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